Something about my personality causes me to be uncomfortable in a variety of situations for a variety of reasons. Whether it's shame, guilt, fear, physical conditions, or something not listed here, just about everything makes me feel uncomfortable.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Unwanted or somewhat unwarranted praise...

...makes me uncomfortable. It happens from time to time at work, where I'm on a project and it does well, or something I wrote is well-received and I have to hear from ten different people how great it was. That's not false modesty. It really does make me uncomfortable. I'm just not sure how to respond. I don't mind knowing something I did is good, but there's normally a lot of other people involved. And sometimes that "good" thing is actually a piece of shit. I suppose it's better than being told I'm doing a crappy job.

The bottom line is that everything I do is golden. I'm so hot right now.

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