Something about my personality causes me to be uncomfortable in a variety of situations for a variety of reasons. Whether it's shame, guilt, fear, physical conditions, or something not listed here, just about everything makes me feel uncomfortable.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Telling the waiter that the wine tastes strange...

...makes me uncomfortable. Since we don't know with any certainty what the wine is supposed to taste like, how do we know it tastes strange. Sending anything back in a restaurant, no matter what it is, makes me uncomfortable. Once, my waitress brought me the wrong food and instead of sending it back, I just ate it. Turned out to be pretty good.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Doubling up someone to take a number two...

...makes me uncomfortable. Unless it's an absolute emergency, I'll walk out and leave a man to himself. If it is an emergency, I do my best to power through it. Freezing under pressure generally only occurs when someone doubles me up. The main problem is the noise. Couldn't we make it mandatory to have music playing in any bathroom with more than one stall? Congress is working on a law that will prohibit college football from using the term "national championship game" unless they go to a playoff-style system. Surely they could address the double-shitting problems that plague so many Americans.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Standing face to face with a crazy person on a crowded subway...

...makes me uncomfortable. I don't care how many pills you took to get this crazy, or where you found them, but thank you for sharing your story with me. The problem with being face to face is that you have to interact. The subway is crowded and you can't get away. It's a fine line. You have to make them feel like you're listening and that you understand, without seeming condescending. Laugh when they laugh, but don't laugh at them. Respond in short sentences and nod your head. Keep doing whatever you can do to keep happy crazy from turning into stab crazy. Whatever you do, don't ignore them. What, you can't hear me? You don't see me standing here talking to you? How about now? How about when I'm stabbing you? I bet you can hear me when I'm stabbing you.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Seeing someone get stabbed in the neck...

...makes me uncomfortable. Last night on Law & Order: SVU a guy got stabbed with scissors in the neck. He bled out and died. The scene made me feel pretty squeamish. For some reason, I felt compelled to rewind the scene and watch it again, which confirmed that it did indeed make me feel uncomfortable.

An alpha male...

...makes me uncomfortable. Anytime someone dominates a room, bullies people around, and generally asserts himself as the alpha male, I shut down. Does that mean I'm beta? The good news is, I've been observing the behavior of the alpha male, and I'm preparing to be one myself.

First, I plan to get bigger in physical size. This may involve putting lifts in my shoes. Then I'll dress in more expensive clothes and wear fancy shoes. And the most important thing is to always talk. Whether you have something to say or not. To do that, you must do the following:

Watch and memorize lines from every movie, ever.
Know a lot about music and possibly join a band.
Read magazines and newspapers, so you know a lot about what's happening.
Know anecdotes. About NASA. About the Roman empire. About insects in the woods. Etc.
Meet famous people, so you can talk about that.

That should just about make me Alpha.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Talking to bouncers and seeing if I'm on a list...

...makes me uncomfortable. My default setting is "not on the list." So my natural instinct and desire is to wait in line with everyone else. This weekend, we went to some event and there was a pretty long line. My girlfriend insisted we go to the front and tell the bouncer we're on some sort of list. So I have to walk past all of these people, with what to me felt like a high probability of being sent back to the end of the line. To make matters worse, the bouncer has to send someone inside to check if there even is a list. At that point I'm actually saying aloud, "We're not on the list. We RSVP'ed, just like everyone else."

Turns out, there was a list. And just the knowledge of the existence of that list was enough to get us past the line. If I was in line, I would hate me. But I wasn't, so eat it line.

Office birthday parties...

...make me uncomfortable. Especially when they consist of standing around eating cake in uncomfortable silence. I try to avoid them at all costs, which is pretty easy since I don't love cake or uncomfortable silence. So if I don't come to your birthday cake event by the copy machine, have a great birthday anyways.